Referências Bibiográficas
Landeiro, José Manuel (1964). "Guarnição Militar de Penamacor". Estudos de Castelo Branco: Revista de História e Cultura n.º 13, pp.57-81.
Livros Frente Mediterrânica/Médio Oriente (Turquia)
Johnson, Rob (2016), The Great War & the Middle East, Oxford (UK), Oxford University Press.
Rogan, Eugene (Trad. Esp) (2015), La Caída de los Otomanos, Barcelona (SP), Crítica.
Nogales, Rafael de (2015), Quatro años bajo la Media Luna, Amuzara (SP), Editorial Almuzara.
Ford, Roger (2009), Eden to Armageddon: World War I in the Middle East, London (Uk), Phoenix.
Hart, Peter (2011), Gallipoli, London (UK), Profile Books Ltd.
Barr, James (2006), Setting the Desert on Fire: T.E. Lawlwnce and Britin's secret war in Arabia, 1916-18, London, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
McMeekin, Sean (2011), The Berlin-Baghdad Express: The Ottoman Empire and Germeny's bid for world power 1898-1918, London (UK), Penguin Books.
McMeekin, Sean (2015), The Ottoman Endgame: War, Revolution, and the making of the modern middle east, 1908-1923, London (UK), Penguin Books.
Greaves, Adrian, Lawrence da Arábia (Biografia), Lisboa (PT), Edições 70 Lda.
Catherwood, Christopher (2004), A Loucura de Churchill: como Winston Churchill moldou o moderno Iraque e o Médio Oriente (Trd. João Vilhena), Lisboa (PT), Relógio D'Água Editores.
Kinross, Patrick (1993), Tatatürk: The Rebirth of a Nation, London (UK), Weidenfeld & Nicolson.